Chia 3 Year Mainnet Anniversary: A Look Back and Look Ahead

The genesis block of the Chia blockchain began March 19, 2021. In the three years since, Chia has achieved many things that no other blockchain has been able to. There have also been challenges and tribulations along the way.

Looking back

Much has happened in the last three years. In the past year alone, we’ve seen highs of CAD Trust launch and retired tokenized carbon credits on-chain, and the lows of Chia Network’s financial challenges.

The ecosystem has also grown massively. Just look at the first ecosystem map from 2021 compared to 2024.

Chia Ecosystem Map – January 2024 (Source, PDF)

ChiaLinks also has a roadmap that looks back at the milestones accomplished by Chia Network Inc. in its shepherding of the Chia blockchain.

A snippet of the ChiaLinks Milestone Roadmap (Source)

Looking Ahead

The future is bright for a decentralized and secure blockchains. I’ve shared my predictions on hits and misses this coming year, including more major partnership announcements.

Chia Network themselves have also provided some direction in where they see the ecosystem going and teasing potential future use cases in a series of blog posts:

Also keep an eye on the official Chia Network product roadmap that is due for an update soon!

Celebrations from around the community

Here’s a peek into the joyous celebration from around the community, including a mainnet anniversary event hosted by Chia Network themselves in WorkAdventure.

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