This Week In Chia #37 – 2024 Week 37

Credit: This Week In Chia by @steppsr

Dates: 2024/09/08 – 2024/09/14


  •  @michaeltaylor3d announces
    • the first successful commit of a sample dApp to the Chia blockchain and pushed it to a #DigNode via Github Action. • Source
    • pushing 2 GB and 20K files into a single Merkley Root at 50% compression in a single transaction, officially making a Datalayer that scales. 👀 • Source
    • delay for alpha release of DIG Node to incorporate changes based on feedback that will add huge value. Full documentation is almost complete. • Source
  • Sean on Space Pool Discord announces Chia Soft Fork reminder. You should update to v2.4 or higher by block 5,940,000 which is roughly 4 or 5 days from now. • Source • More Info
  • @chia_project announces September Tech Talk with @bramcohen to explore the future of on-chain gaming and how state channels can revolutionize transactions. Bring your questions on Thursday September 19th at 11:00 PDT (18:00 UTC) • Source • Zoom Meeting


Splash! network stats (Source: dexie)


  • @monkeyzoo announces Clever Monkey (aka “Geeks Vs Nerds”) Monkeyzoo collection is coming Friday at 19:00 GMT • Source



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