This Week In Chia #5 – 2024 Week 5

Credit: This Week In Chia by @steppsr

Dates: 2024/01/28 – 2024/02/03


Teaser for upcoming Sprout GUI for Chia Datalayer.
  • @michaeltaylor3d teases early UI for upcoming Sprout GUI for Chia Datalayer. • Source
  • @acevail_ announces he minted 1000 Chia NFTs from a single DID spend, using Secure the Bag opening up many possibilities, from hosted minting to on-demand minting via offers! You can even add ASSERT_BEFORE to only allow on-demand minting until a certain date. 💚 • Source
  • @bytesandblocks announces that #TangGang have now donated 152 XCH to Chia Devs! 🍊🍊 I wanted to personally thank the whole Tang Gang Chia crew since I was included in the ChiaDev group. I am both honored and grateful. Thank you so much! 🧡🧡 • Source


  • @MintGarden_io releases MintGarden Studio 0.4.3. Mainly a bug fix release fixing: no key for puzzle hash, and optional must be 0 or 1. • Source
  • @MarvinQ96 announce Ozone Wallet 0.9.065+215 with experimental create NFT offer function. • Source
  • @icerdesign has added a new section to the XCHS White Paper for XSIP-4, a proposal for XSIP-4 with 3 primitives for XCHS to enable secure offer exchange. Also, special feature ‘reclaim’ operation aiding in the recovery of lost funds due to unsophisticated wallets. • Source
  • @DrNick78 on the Chia Discord announces new plotter “DrPlotter“: an advanced, energy-efficient GPU plotter, solver, and harvester designed for the Chia Blockchain, with break-through rewards and efficiency optimized for consumer-grade hardware. • Source
DrPlotter details and efficiencies.


Recruits #001 “The Recruiter”
  • @steppsr releases Recruits NFT collection. The Recruits have reported for Boot Camp! Owners of DataLayer Minions for BLS and BBOB factions should have some new recruits in their wallets. Note: “factions” are un-official groupings of DataLayer Minions that I came up with with the intent to create a little buzz and contribute back to @michaeltaylor3d‘s DataLayer development. Royalties are split between Michael, owners, and me. • Source
  • @steppsr announces Recruits #001 “The Recruiter” himself is now up for auction on MintGarden! Auctions ends Feb 3rd at 6 PM UTC (12 PM CST) • Source
  • @steppsr announces next Faction of “Head Bangers“. A snapshot of the faction owners will happen on Thursday February 8th at 5 PM CST (11 PM UTC). Owners will receive 1 new Recruit 🔜™️. • Source



  • Chia’s CHIP-24 (DAO1) Discussion. • Source



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